Marge and Don Gibson

Marge and Don Gibson founded Raptor Education Group, Inc (REGI) in 1990. Marge has worked with wildlife for over 30 years. She began her work with raptors as a field biologist. She has worked with many high profile field projects including the California Condor Recovery Team and the Bald Eagle Capture and Health Assessment Program in Valdez. Alaska following the Valdez Oil Spill where she was team captain. In addition, Marge teaches wildlife rehabilitation internationally. Don is a recently retired M.D. His specialty is Pathology.

In the beginning, Raptor Education Group, Inc was focused on public education programs and supporting field research on avian species. In part due to the remote northern location of the center, it soon became apparent that rehabilitation would be a major part of the work done at the center. While specializing in large raptors and swans, all avian species are accepted for rehabilitation at the center. Since its beginning, thousands of raptors and other avian species have been patients at the wildlife center.